
mongosdb crud operations and Query Documents

 Mongodb ,inserting, updating,finding,deleting elements Note : This blog in progress  With find one does not required pretty funtions  Useful Resources & Links Useful Articles/ Docs: Learn more about the MongoDB Drivers: Dive into the official Getting Started Docs: Resetting Your Database Important: We will regularly start with a clean database server (i.e. all data was purged) in this course. To get rid of your data, you can simply load the database you want to get rid of ( use databaseName ) and then execute  db.dropDatabase() . Similarly, you could get rid of a single collection in a database via  db.myCollection.drop() . MongoDB Installation FAQ + Support IMPORTANT - For macOS Catalina Users If you're on macOS Catalina, there has been a hidden change in the operating system. You're NOT able to use  /data/db  as a database folder anymore. Instead, you have to use a non